SNAP Results 2024 are Out Check for your Scorecard

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SNAP Results 2024 are out Check for your Scorecard

SNAP Results 2024 are out now! The SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test) is an important exam for students who want to do an MBA from any of the institutes of Symbiosis International University (Deemed University). It is the first step towards a bright future in business for aspiring students. If you’ve given the test and are waiting for the SNAP results 2024, the wait is finally over! The results are out, and you can now check and download your scorecard. 

In this blog, you will understand everything about the SNAP results 2024: overview, how the selection process works, how to download scorecards, expected cutoff, and what you should do next.

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SNAP Result 2024 Overview

Symbiosis International (Deemed University) conducted the SNAP exam for admission to various MBA programs. The SNAP test is an important entrance exam for many individuals who want career advancement. Here is the overview of the SNAP 2024 test for your better understanding:

Details Information
Full-Form Symbiosis National Aptitude Test
Conducted Body Symbiosis International (Deemed University)
Purpose of the Exam For admission to PG management programs at Symbiosis Institutes
Exam Mode CBT
Exam Date December 8, 15, and 21, 2024
Exam Duration 1 hour (20 minutes extra for differently abled)
SNAP 2024 Result Status Released
SNAP 2024 Result Date January 08, 2025
Official Website

The SNAP 2024 results have just been released. The result scorecard contains important details such as your overall score and percentile. You can download your scorecard from the official SNAP website at The results are available online, and students can view their individual scores instantly.

SNAP Test Pattern

The SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test) is the most preferred entrance test among young professionals. The SNAP test is computer-based. Below is the table containing the SNAP test pattern.

Section No. of Questions Marks per correct answer Total Marks
General English: Reading Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Verbal Ability 15 1 15
Analytical & Logical Reasoning 25 1 25
Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency 20 1 20
Total 60 1 60

Note: The SNAP test contains a negative marking of 25% or 0.25 out of 1 mark. For every wrong answer, 0.25 mark will be deducted.

What is the SNAP 2024 MBA Selection Criteria?

If you are confused about how the selection procedure of the SNAP test works, don’t worry! We have all the answers to your queries. The SNAP exam score is just the beginning of the selection process. It is necessary to know the selection criteria that each college considers while shortlisting candidates. Here is an overview of the general selection process:

  1. SNAP Test (SNAP Exam Score): The first step in the selection process is based on the SNAP exam result. A good score will bring you one step closer to your selection for the MBA Program at SIU. After getting good marks on the test, you will be shortlisted for further processing.

  2. Group Exercise (GE): After SNAP results, shortlisted candidates are invited for a group exercise. It tests teamwork and collaboration abilities and communication skills. The GE round of SNAP results assesses how well one can work with others in a collaborative setting.

  3. Personal Interaction (PI): After successfully completing the group exercise, candidates are invited for a personal interview. The personal interview in the SNAP result process assesses a student’s personality, leadership skills, academic knowledge, and motivation for pursuing an MBA.

The overall score from these rounds, combined with your SNAP exam result, will be used to determine your final selection for admission to the MBA program.

How to download the SNAP Result 2024 scorecard

If you’re one of the many students eagerly waiting for your SNAP result 2024, here’s how you can check your scorecard:

  1. Visit the Official SNAP Website: The first step is to visit the official SNAP website  
  2. Log in with Your Credentials: Log in with your SNAP user ID and password. This information was provided to you when you registered for the exam.
  3. Go to the Results Section: Go to the “Results” tab on the dashboard.
  4. Download Your Scorecard: Click on the link to download your SNAP result. You’ll be able to view your score, percentile, and whether or not you have qualified for the next round.

It is important to check the SNAP results carefully. If you have qualified, you can move ahead with the selection process. If not, don’t worry! Many options are available to you, including preparing for next year’s exam.

Factors Deciding Cutoff of SNAP Result 2024

The cutoff of SNAP results is one of the most important aspects of the admission process. The cutoff is the minimum mark you need to secure to go for the next round of the selection process. Several factors determine the cutoff:

  1. Difficulty Level of the Exam: Every year, the difficulty level of the SNAP exam may vary. If the exam is considered to be tougher, the cutoff may be lower. But if the exam is relatively easier, the cutoff may rise.

  2. Number of Candidates Appearing for the Exam: The number of candidates appearing for the SNAP test also influences the cutoff. If more students take the exam, the cutoff of SNAP results is likely to be higher.

  3. Number of Seats Available: The availability of MBA program seats also affects the SNAP results cutoff. More seats may lead to a slightly lower cutoff.

  4. Previous Year’s Cutoff Trends: However, the cutoffs in previous years indicate the current year’s cutoff of the SNAP results. Examining these trends can give you an idea of what to expect regarding the cutoff.

These factors combined will give you a clear idea of where you stand and help you assess your chances of clearing the cutoff in the SNAP results.

SNAP Result 2024 Expected Cutoff

The expected cutoff for SNAP Results 2024 depends on various factors. Based on past trends, here is an expected range for the cutoff for some of the Symbiosis institutes:

  • Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM), Pune: 97-99 percentile

  • Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development (SCMHRD), Pune: 96-98 percentile

  • Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research (SICSR), Pune: 85-90 percentile

  • Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication (SIMC), Pune: 78-80 percentile

Please note that these are predicted cutoff values, and the final cutoff of SNAP results may vary depending on the factors mentioned earlier. Thus, It is always a good idea to stay updated by regularly checking the official website for any changes.

SNAP Result 2024 Merit List

After the cutoff is announced, Symbiosis University will release the merit list for SNAP 2024. This list will contain the names of candidates who have successfully cleared the cutoff and have been shortlisted for the next stage of the selection process. The merit list will be based on a combination of your SNAP score and performance in the subsequent rounds.

Details Weightage
SNAP Results 2024 Scorecard Out of 60, scaled down to 50 marks
Group Exercise (GE) 10
Personal Interaction (PI) 40
Total 100

So, your exam score is important, and performing well in the other rounds will also influence your final ranking on the merit list. If you make it to the merit list, congratulations! This means you're one step closer to securing your spot in an MBA program at one of India's top institutions.

What’s Next?

Once the SNAP results 2024 are out, the next steps depend on whether you’ve made it to the cutoff and merit list. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Check Your Scorecard: First, check your SNAP scorecard to see your performance. If you’ve cleared the cutoff, congratulations! You can proceed to the next steps.

  2. Prepare for the Next Round: If you’re shortlisted, you’ll be invited to the next round. It includes Group Exercise (GE) and Personal Interaction (PI). Make sure to prepare thoroughly for these rounds by practising common interview questions, working on your communication skills, and staying updated on current affairs.

  3. Wait for the Final Results: After completing the next rounds, wait for the Final SNAP result. The Final SNAP result is based on your overall performance in the SNAP test and subsequent rounds.

  4. Finalize Your Admission: If you’re selected, congratulations! The final step is to complete your admission formalities, which may include document verification, fee payment, and joining the program.

For students who didn’t clear the cutoff, don’t be disheartened. You can take time, prepare for the next year’s exam, or explore other MBA entrance exams that may be open to you.


In conclusion, the SNAP results 2024 are out, and now it’s time for you to check your scorecard and assess your next steps. Remember that the SNAP exam is just one part of the journey, and the final result will depend on your performance across multiple rounds. Whether you’ve cleared the cutoff or not, there are always growth opportunities. Stay motivated, keep working hard, and make sure to explore all your options. Best of luck to all the candidates, and we hope to see you in one of the top MBA programs in India!

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